• Computers use digital signals to work, but humans do not think in ‘digital’. We work in words and sentences.

Bits and bytes

  • Electronic chips inside a computer work by using two different voltage levels
    • 1 for high voltage
    • 0 for low voltage
  • A single binary digit (a bit) is either a one or a zero
    • by grouping these bits (usually in groups of eights, known as a ‘byte’) we can create patterns
    • These patterns can then be used to represent instructions which tell a computers processor to do something like:
      • Add
      • Subtract
      • Store some data
      • etc.
    • 11010011 01110000 11010101 10000111 11111101 01010001 11110001 01111100 11000000
      • Humans cannot read these patterns of ones and zeros

Machine code

  • The Processor has a fixed number of instructions which it can carry out
  • All of the instructions together, which a particular processor can carry out, is known as the ‘machine code’ for that processor.
  • Any particular instruction can be represented as a binary pattern.