• A graph is simply a set of points called vertices (or nodes) connected by lines called edges (or arcs)
  • Graphing theory is very important in mathematics and computing because it allows us to represent a number of concepts in a clear way
  • Through abstraction, we can use graphs to model all sorts of different relationships. For example, there is a graph showing the Internet:
    • Each page is a vertex
    • Each hypertext link is an edge

Key Terms

  • Graph
    • A graph is an abstraction used to model a system that contains discrete, interconnected elements. The elements are represented by Vertices (also called nodes) and the interconnections are represented by edges (or arcs)
  • Abstraction
    • A process of removing unnecessary detail to leave only the elements necessary for creating a solution.
  • Neighbour
    • Two vertices connected by an edge
  • Degree of a vertex
    • The number of neighbours connected to a certain vertex

Types of Graph

Labelled graph (aka weighted graph)

  • A labelled graph is one where its edges are given a label.

Directed graph (or digraph)

  • A standard graph, but where each edge has a direction
    • These directions, depending on the graph, can be used to convey additional information (such as one-way travel, sender/receiver, etc.)
    • The opposite of a directed graph, is an undirected graph.


  • A multigraph is a graph is allowed to have multiple edges between the same nodes
    • They can be directed or undirected
    • An example of a directed multigraph could be an airlines flight plan

Cycles & Closed Paths

  • A cycle is a circuit in which no vertex except the first (which is also the last) appears more than once

  • A closed path is where any two successive edges share a vertex I.E. You can go from one to the other without a dead end