Addressable Memory

  • Main memory is address using a unique memory location
    • This is called the main memory address
      • Like a house number on a street
  • The size of a memory location is typically 1 Byte
    • There are some computer systems that are word addressable
      • I.E. each memory location is the size of the word length
  • The memory address is dependent on the bit architecture of the processor
    • This is why 32-bit processors could only address up to 4GB of system memory
  • All three components of the system bus are used when addressing main memory
    • The system bus is shared, but a particular memory address gains exclusive access at a particular time

Addressing Memory

  • Memory is conceptually represented as cells
    • Each cell contains one or more bits (dependant on architecture)
    • Each bit is a representation of there being a charge, or not
  • Consumer computers use byte-addressable memory
    • Each memory cell stores 1 bit
    • These are grouped into WORDS (2 bytes, 16 bits), linked to the memory interface
    • Byte addressable memory refers to architectures where data can be accessed and addressed in units that are narrower than the bus
    • In modern CPU’s an address refers to byte, that is 8 bits
  • The memory address is itself a bit pattern and the number of bits allows for differing memory addresses
  • 32 vs 64 Bit Address
    • Older computer architecture using 32-bit memory addresses were vastly limited in how much ‘addressable memory’ they could access
      • If you had an old computer, you were limited to under 4GB of RAM
      • 32-bit addresses range from 0 to 4,294,967,296
    • Newer 64-bit architecture allows you to individually address up to 16 exabytes