• Client

    • A computer that requests the services provided by a server.
    • Client makes request to server, server provides
  • Client-Server Model

    • A system in which some of the computers (clients) request services provided by the other computers (servers).
  • Peer-to-peer

    • A network in which each node can share its files with all the other nodes. Each node has its own data and there is no central server.
    • Use by small companies (no more than 10 nodes (workstations)) – more than 10 leads to performance and management issues
    • Each of its nodes (workstations) can share its files with all the other nodes and each of the nodes will have its own data
    • There is no central storage - no requirement to authenticate users
    • Example:
      • A builder with 5 associated workers located in their own homes who only need access to each other’s diaries, previous jobs and so on
  • Initially servers were used to provide extra facilities that the PCs shared (such as: file store, software applications or printing)

  • A further development was the implementation of the ‘client-server’ architecture, where we have a ‘client’ and a ‘server’.

  • In general terms, a server is a suite of software that can be installed on virtually any computer system.

    • Some software requires enhanced hardware (such as file servers or application servers)
  • In the case of a ‘web server’, this provides access to a web application and handles HTTP requests.

    • The client is the web browser software.
  • Original uses of the web: a browser displaying web pages which contained information (the web pages were static).

  • For a client-server application, the web page is ‘dynamic’ because the client’s request determines what is displayed.

  • In this context, the variety of applications that can be supported is unlimited. Only requirement: the application involves user’s interaction.

  • Client-server applications example: ‘ecommerce’

  • Most apps require a ‘web-enabled’ database