The transport layer responsible for establishing a temporary communication session between two applications and delivering data between them

  • Manages end-to-end connections between hosts through sockets
  • Segments data for manageability and reassembles segmented data at the destination (splitting data into packets and back into data)
  • It manages data integrity, error correction and delivery guarantee (TCP)


  • User Datagram Packet is the basic transport layer protocol, providing an unreliable datagram service
    • Online gaming and live video can use it as lost data is OK. Even VPN can use UDP as the tunnelling protocol takes care of lost packets


  • Transmission Control Protocol provides flow-control, connection establishment, and reliable transmission of data

    • Anything where all transmitted data must be received uses TCP, but there’s a processing overhead for using it and it can be slow
  • TCP vs UDP

    • Think of TCP and UDP as using Royal Mail

    • If you are sending money, you will use recorded delivery and would only consider sending more money, once you have acknowledged that the first batch arrived safely

      • This is TCP. It will only send more packets, once receipt has been acknowledged. If not, it will resend.
    • If you are just sending a standard letter, you put it in the post and hope it gets there. You would not receive an acknowledgement

      • UDP tries but doesn’t care if it fails. Packets are sent without worrying if previous ones got there OK.
      • It is deliberately light-weight and fast
    • TCP’s job is to establish a connection to the remote device before any data is sent

      • It is therefore a connection oriented protocol
      • Once a connection is established, data can flow in both directions (bidirectional)
      • Packets are sent out and numbered (for resequencing once received) and it will wait for acknowledgement before sending more data
    • UDP’s job is to efficiently send out data without the overhead of TCP

      • No connection is established before sending data
      • UDP does not insert sequence numbers
        • The packets are expected to arrive as a continuous stream, or they are dropped

Transport Layer Addressing


  • A port is a way to address specific application and have a source and destination port address. Each address is 16 bits.
    • It works like an IP Address (Extended), but for applicaiton protocols rather than machines. A bit like having individual names on letter to the same house
  • There are well known port numbers such as SMTP using port 25, HTTP using port 80, etc.
    • However, these can be changed in software