• Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm (1956) is a method for finding the shortest path from one node to all the connected remaining nodes
    • This differs from A*, which focuses on getting from a specific node to another node through heuristic methods for optimisation - they work in a similar way
  • When the number of nodes approaches a high number, this work can be intensive but the algorithm is optimised for speed


  • Digital mapping in Google Maps
  • Social networking applications
    • To suggest friends based on their distance to you (from network interactions, physical, etc)
  • Telephone network
  • IP routing to find shortest path
  • Robotic pathing
    • Drones, etc. can automate paths for package delivery, return to home function, etc.
  • Agenda-based application
    • Skyscanner, etc. gives shortest path recommendations to fly from points a to b, etc. using time and distance metrics

How to

Determining the Path

  1. Start from the goal node, in this case G
  2. Push the previous node to the start of a stack
  3. Repeat step 2 until start node is reached
  4. Output the stack by popping until empty

Stack: G F E B A

Output: A B E F G