• Complex and Reduced instructions

    • Standing up and walking would be a complex instruction
      • Move arms, move knee, foot, leg, muscles etc.
  • Modern PCs make use of a chip architecture known as CISC – in reality, modern CPUs are a mixture of CISC and RISC

    • Instructions can be complex, involving multiple (maybe dozens) clock cycles – hence the term complex
    • Loading and storing memory is incorporated into the instruction
  • RISC processors are architecturally designed to operate with a very reduced set of instructions

    • Often (not always) a small set of primitive instructions
      • Each instruction requires only 1 clock cycle, hence ‘reduced’ as in reduced complexity of instructions
    • Memory actions are separate instructions
    • Processing carried out using general purpose registers to assist with speed
    • Can use pipelining to enable simultaneous instruction processing
  • RISC

    • RISC uses simplified addressing modes
    • Individual instructions deal with memory LOAD and STORE operations
      • All other instructions use registers, simplifying the chip building process
    • RISC are more likely to have a ‘Harvard memory model’
      • Memory and instruction streams are conceptually separated
        • g. different caches for instruction and data
  • image1

  • Instruction examples:

    • CISC
      • Java: A = A * B;
        • In a CISC processor there would be a specific instruction to achieve this, lets call it ‘MULT’:
          • Load the two values into separated registers
          • Multiply the operands in the execution unit
          • Store the product in the appropriate register
        • The entire task of multiplying two numbers can be completed with one instruction:
          • MULT A,B (the assembly statement)
        • MULT is known as a ‘complex instruction’. It operates directly on the computer’s memory banks and does not require the programmer to explicitly call any loading or storing functions
    • RISC
      • Multiply two values together in a RISC processor:
        • In a RISC processor there is no specific instruction to achieve this, instead we would have 4 separate instructions:
          • LOAD R1, A ## load address A into register 1
          • LOAD R2, B ## load address B into register 2
          • PROD R1, R2, R3 ## multiply the two registers into R3
          • STORE R3, A ## store register 3 back to address A
        • The processing time is equal (in this case), but because there is no need for multiple instructions the processors design is simplified, allowing for more general purpose registers
  • Summary:

    • Modern processors have taken the best features from both architectures
    • g. Modern RISC (e.g. MIPS architecture) include complex multiplication, division and multimedia instructions
    • CISC chips are to some extent RIISC inside. Using microcode to define all the complex macro instructions (at the Control Unit level)
      • g. Turn a complex command into multiple RISC commands within the chip
    • image2